REM Roberts LTD

Welcome to the Fit Supply Hub by REM Roberts LTD
Commercial property surveyors
REM Roberts is a property consultancy that will assist you in finding your new office, whether it’s for lease or purchase. We also have various properties available To Let and can provide further details of these.
We are a multi faceted firm and can arrange selected partners, with track records, to provide additional services for you.
Unlike many other cities in the world, London was not built on a planned basis with a clearly defined central business district. The result is a number of different sub-markets arranged in a complicated hierarchy, driven by occupier preferences, a residue of historically important buildings and more recently, the availability of modern buildings with large floor plates.
The choice of available space is variable depending on market conditions, but at any time there is probably upwards of six million square feet to choose from in the West End alone. Allowing for buildings being let in floors, a closer analysis can reveal nearly two thousand units, of available space.

Our Services
Finding and securing property property for the fitness and leisure sector